Saturday, March 31, 2012

Business sales strategy: David Meerman Scott how to reach your ...

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More business sales strategy fromDavid Meerman Scott, bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR, reveals how using new media gives you the advantage and a direct approach to more buyers. See more business news television shows featuring these experts, as they give their top expert business advice at David Meerman Scott You know its amazing to me that on the web we have a new way to market that we never really had before. Under the old rules of marketing, which is the marketing that you use probably today and everybody has used for years to reach people offline you really only have two ways to reach your buyers. You could either buy expensive advertising ? that means radio, television, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, billboards, telephone directories, and direct mail, all of those sorts of things. So you could buy expensive advertising, or you could use the media as your mouth piece by trying to beg the media to talk or write about your products and services. Those are really the only options that we use to have available to us but now weve been liberated. Weve been liberated because we have the web as a way we can publish content directly and its a really new way to get out there and to reach our buyers. Instead of buying our way in or begging our way in we can create excellent content that our buyers will find directly as a result of going to the search engines, through social networking sites, by visiting our own sites and so ?
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The B2B Sales Module of the xTuple Web Portal allows you to take orders from your customers online, making your full product catalog available to customers, as well as standard orders, shipping and invoicing history.
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