Monday, November 19, 2012

5Es of Business Blogging

One thing that Internet has afforded businesses is the ease to Communicate. Marketers are reaching out to their customers using Emails, e-Newsletters, corporate website, company social media pages and the quintessential blogs.

Where emails, e-newsletters are usually opt-in and delivered to individual mailboxes and the corporate websites and social media pages talk exclusively about the company, the business blogs are a different genre altogether and have a specific function and appeal. It can be used alike to communicate with internal (employees, suppliers, other stakeholders) and external customers.

There are 5Es of Business Blogging which companies should employ to engage a larger mass, increase traffic and lead generation.

Engage: A well-written blog with frequent updates having some intrinsic value for readers is the best way to engage. The idea is to make the readers look forward to updates, to quote them even in informal settings about how useful the content is, to gain some knowledge by reading the blog. Every blog post should answer the question ? will it hold the reader?s attention?

Educate: A blog post can share a recent update of the company, development in the area of new product launch, additional features in an existing product or service and how it fills a gap, expert views on industry trends, competition, customer stories or employee initiatives. The aim should be to systematically sensitize about the company and its products without directly talking about them.

For example: When you post a blog update about an employee?s achievement or involvement for a cause, somewhere you are talking about the company?s culture. People love the idea of implicitly supporting a cause while buying a product. They feel involved and develop a sense of belongingness when they are privy to news and insights that are not just about buying a product.

Blog copywriting

Enlighten: The blog posts have option to comment and each comment good or bad is an opportunity. These are the secondary areas to further create customer/ reader connect. When readers comment, it means they have read the blog. Use this break to provide further information and engage the readers. The objective should be to ensure your communication influences perception of the readers and that they concur with yours.

Enable: Business blogs which include guest posts by experts or link to the blogs of company employees and management take the entire reader engagement and empowerment experience to the next level. One, they can put a face to a name. A business blog still seems cold and calculated. A personal blog is more humane and warm. The intention of business blog posts should be to provide a multi-faceted view through outbound links to relevant content and blogs. It projects the company as open and inclusive. They work in building the company?s online reputation. This will ?sure footedly enable? readers to make the right buying decisions if and when they want.

Subtle backlinks in the blog posts to the company website are sure shot ways to attract traffic. Product information blogs can link back to detailed data sheets available on the company website. The underlying message in the blog posts should be to persuade and encourage the readers to try the products, become customers and become loyal to the brand.

It is beyond doubt that Blogs are extremely useful for businesses. The advantage is anyone can write and upload them easily, making it available to readers without pushing or thrusting them. Once posted people can find and read them on their own.

But there are millions of blogs and posts generated each day. How will your blog standout and rank high in the search engines for more people to see? How will you generate fresh content regularly? How will you ensure that readers like your blog and share it with others?

Come talk to us and we will WORK OUT AN EFFECTIVE BLOG STATEGY and CREATE SEO-driven Blogs with exceptional blog copywriting. Email us to get free information and consultation on Blog Copywriting. Alternately, Call or Leave a Message on 9313950949.

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