Wednesday, January 25, 2012


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Lol ikr. Rikku is like *holds arms to heart and sighs all fan girl like* He's jus amazing. *says in a smitten voice* ^^ and yeah I know where going fast. I'm trying to slow down but it's like really difficult >

Exp: how I had Zach take Aika to the store and waited for the reply to it.

I'm gonna do that now in a attempt to make things easier for you two..><

>< Lol not to mention playin Alice in madness while I Rp as 8 charrs is totally impossible... -.-

*sighs* not that I'm actually playing anyways..I'm more of trying to figure out where to flippin go from the place I'm at without dying..><

>.> flipping annoyin son of a biscuit eating bulldog game it is atm. lol

~Angel From My Nightmare~
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