Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Yoga Teachers Training 5 Surprising Benefits | AHIP's Health Care ...

A yoga teacher training course is much more than just a certification program. Any yoga teacher who has completed a good yoga teacher program, will point out the many additional benefits they obtained by completing such a program. Below you will find 5 such additional benefits.

It is no secret now that yoga is excellent for your health and is a legitimate form of alternative healing. The catch of course is that in order to obtain these wonderful health benefits, you need to actually do your yoga practice regularly, and this is often where people fail. But, if you are enrolled in a yoga teacher course, you are forced to do your yoga practice, and a natural consequence of this is the emergence of excellent health and fitness. In addition to getting fit, the yoga you will be doing will also help you heal your body of ailments and injuries.

Getting strong, fit and flexible is a certainty, if you are taking a rigorous yoga instructor course, but in addition you will start to feel a marked improvement in your levels of energy as well. The key to this is not just due to the physical workouts, but it is due to the breath work you do when practicing yoga. This breath work is called pranayama and it greatly improves your lung capacity, your metabolism and refines your circulatory and respiratory systems. These improvements then increase your energy levels giving you vigor and power. This is of course great, because as a yoga teacher you will certainly need to lead by example, and a tired and powerless yoga teacher is certainly not inspiring.

As important physical health and well-being is, yoga training will also bestow the profound benefits of peace and tranquility onto you. This is because a huge part of yoga is yogic meditation and these meditations are excellent for relaxing your entire system, dissolving stress and giving you mental and emotional peace.

A yoga teacher training program will not just bestow onto you all the benefits above, but will also improve your diet and nutrition. This is because to get the most out of yoga you need to eat foods that are light and full of energy and you will have to adjust your diet in the same way. So as you work towards becoming a yoga instructor, you will find your diet and nutrition improving steadily.

Along with helping you improve your diet, participating in a yoga instructor course will also help you break many bad habits and establish good new ones. Even hard to break habits such as smoking, often fall away spontaneously when doing regular yoga, and difficult positive habits, such as waking up early, emerge. These changes to your life will go a long way in improving your life, making you happier and healthier.

A yoga teacher training course, as you can tell can profoundly change your life. Yoga affects your mind, body and soul, so doing a rigorous training course will help you improve all these aspects of your being. Then by becoming a yoga teacher you will be able to help others do the same and being of service in this way is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in this life.

Click the following link to join the web?s best Yoga Teachers Training Course ?


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