Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weight Loss For Men And Women. - How Can You Lose Weight


Losing weight and keeping it off is a difficult process; consequently, most overweight people are always looking for new ways to take weight off. The Cabbage Soup diet plan is known to many people as a popular ?fad diet? that offers a quick way to lose excess weight, but does it really work? The diet is explained here, along with the keys to success for permanent weight loss.

The Cabbage Soup diet calls for, as the name suggests, eating cabbage soup for seven days. During this period, dieters only consume low calorie cabbage soup and a few other specific foods for weight loss. The diet program is not a lifestyle altering plan like many popular diet plans, and requires no long-term lifestyle changes beyond the week-long duration of the diet regimen.

There are several versions of the recipe for cabbage soup. Most contain seasonings, cabbage and other vegetables, such as onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, celery, and tomatoes. Some people like to add spicy seasonings to improve the taste of the soup. Other dieters monitoring their sodium intake want to use a reduced-sodium version of the recipe. Many current versions of the diet incorporate sources of protein, such as protein shakes and tofu to make the diet more balanced.

Besides the soup, there are very specific rules for what other foods are permitted on each day of the diet. As a general guideline, dieters can eat cabbage soup every day, along with fruit on day one, vegetables on day two, vegetables and fruit on day three, skim milk and bananas on the fourth day, beef and tomatoes on the fifth day, beef and vegetables on day six, and vegetables, fruit juice, and brown rice on the seventh, final day. Dieters then switch back to normal eating habits, hopefully now weighing a few pounds less.

Does the Cabbage Soup diet truly offer a fast way to lose weight? Although no formal scientific research has examined the diet conclusively, people who have used the weight loss diet report mixed results. For several dieters, the program resulted in weight loss (up to ten pounds), but only for a limited time, as the weight gradually returned as the individual returned to normal eating habits. Some dieters report lack of focus, light-headedness, and fatigue while following the diet. Other dieters felt no effects whatsoever, experiencing no illness, but no weight loss either.

The Cabbage Soup diet program is only one of many popular diets that dieters can use. However, because this plan may not be best for all, for many dieters it just adds to the frustration of not being able to lose weight. A better approach to losing weight does not depend on gimmicks or temporary plans. It takes consistent efforts and lifestyle changes to achieve permanent weight loss. This means eating healthy and getting plenty of physical activity.

Unfortunately, many of us fight to maintain the habits necessary to take weight off. Lots of dieters cannot seem with their weight because of their strong cravings, uncontrollable appetites or eating habits, or a simple lack of motivation. hypnosis therapy is effective for working through these obstacles and supplying the motivation needed for natural weight loss.

Among the reasons weight loss hypnosis is excellent as a tool for weight loss is because weight loss hypnosis may be used for controlling the appetite. A great number of overweight people have out-of-control appetites because have a habit of ?emotional eating? which gives them an unconscious urge to eat and eat even when they aren?t actually hungry. weight loss hypnosis helps re-program the unconscious mind to extinguish the drive to eat too much, resulting in appetite control without the use of pills.

Another way hypnosis works to make you take weight off is by reducing the anxious thoughts that give you the urge to overeat and undermine your motivation to stay on an exercise plan. The moment you start to have negative thoughts, hypnosis taps into your unconscious mind to automatically think positively instead, which allows you to become more relaxed.

Your motivation to exercise can be dramatically enhanced through hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). First, you recognize what the most significant aspects of your life are. Then you use NLP techniques to guide you into believing that the things that mean the most to you will become enhanced if you exercise, or placed at risk if you fail to do so. Thus, it becomes easy to stay motivated to get physically fit and stay physically fit.

Everyone can be able to learn hypnosis and NLP techniques from a good weight loss hypnosis CD program. The techniques in hypnotherapy CDs utilize the power of the unconscious mind to help dieters stop their cravings. By putting a stop to urges and cravings, the appetite is suppressed or eliminated. Hypnotherapy techniques can also assist you in getting motivated to get physically active and shed pounds.

By reprogramming your unconscious mind, hypnosis makes weight loss easy. It is a superb tool to keep you motivated and naturally committed healthy habits. So before taking on a new fad diet, think about a healthier approach to weight loss through exercise, eating right, keeping stress-free, and using hypnosis to make it happen.

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