Sunday, September 2, 2012

MarMar's 1 x 1 Search

?MarMar's 1 x 1 Role-Play Search?


Hi everyone, I am MargaretMouse and I am on the search for role-plays. This is my perniment thread so if you see the large number of how many pages there is don't walk away I am still looking and always looking in fact. I like a lot of role-plays to keep myself busy and to keep myself from getting stressed out so role-playing is my sanctuary. Now, one thing about myself to tell you at first hand is, I'm an easy person to talk to and get along with. So please do not be afraid to talk to me and post in my thread.

Before we get down to the requirements, I'd like to share a little biography about myself with the writing business. First off is, I am not as young as you think. Or maybe I am. I am seventeen years old. Before you push the back arrow button on your browser, just hear me out? I consider myself to be a writer in progress. Writing is my passion and my life and I hope one day to write a book that will get published. I will even post a sample of my writing to show you what skills I have and if you think I am good enough for you if you would like. :) I have been writing since I was in 1st grade so I was about six or seven when I began to write. So basically I have been writing my whole life, or as long as I could remember.

I can't really say I have an average posting length I always post. What I can tell you is, I can't post small posts. To me small posts are a couple of sentences to a paragraph. I can write anywhere from three paragraphs to well..a good number I say. It all really depends on imagination, my partners post[and not just the length. Usually character intereaction does the trick], and how I feel. If I am stressed, or feel unwell then I might take a few days off till I come up with a post I feel confident enough to post. Sometimes I do take more then a few days off but eventually I get to it.

My grammar never do I text talk. I don't understand it enough to use it. That and text talk annoys me. Especially when people misspell a word that is so easy to spell. So never will you see me using text talk. The only text talk I use is when out of character and talking to a friend. I only use Lol and rofl. Those are the only ones I really like.

For characters, I can play both genders. I change my pairing list every now and then to spice things up and to catch any lurkers' eye. That and when no one does one of my cravings I am dying to do, I then loose the interest in doing that pairing and decide to make a new list of pairings I want to do.
Orientation I am not too picky about but I am mostly comfortable with hetero. I will do m x m depending what you have in store. Though I do not refer it to as yaoi, uke or semi. As for future wise, I do not go by, who wants to be the dominant or submissive character. If my character ends up to be bossy then so be it. If my character isn't bossy and control it then that's just how it goes. F x F I am not yet feeling I can do just yet. A lot of people have let me down in the same gender role-plays. So it will take me a few times to get use to it. But hey! If you have a really good plot any orientation wise just post a reply. Or if your shy about people seeing your plot, just shoot me up a Pm and we'll discuss it and try to work something out.

I will try to keep the list of requirements as low as possible but some things have to be in there so I apologize if it sounds rude, harsh or anything along those lines. I am not a rude or harsh person. But I do take my writing seriously.

-Please have experience in playing both female and male characters as well as at least hetero orientation wise. Sometimes I wont take requests from people who only play a certain character or a certain orientation because I feel I am being forced to play a certain gender and orientation. But if you have a plot and you only play a certain gender or orientation I am willing to just listen to what you have in mind.

-I can't do small posts, I love to write so that means I prefer someone who can at least write more then I consider small. So please no one liners or couple of sentences please. If your someone who posts that much then I am not the rightful partner for you. Three full paragraphs would be great. 3-5 sentences each and more. Writing more then that though would just be lovely though might I add.

-Try to make a post at least more then once a week. I do realize people have lives as I do. Well kinda. But posting once or twice in a whole month isn't something I can do. If you are going to be busy, please give me a warning so I know what I am getting myself into.

-I like to discuss the plot before hand so that there isn't any complications with deciding genders, orientation, and role wise.

-Romance is a definite must. Without it I am lost. I love writing romance. But I don't do the love at first site. It just seems a bit too convienent and unrealistic.

If you have read everything in this thread and you meet my requirements please post the word bubblegum at the top of your post and in the same color or in bold so I can read it easily and it stands out so I know you read everything. It has to be in the top of your post. So if you post why you want to role-play with me, or what got you interested to post in my thread and you post bubblegum in the bottom of your post, I will have no choice but to ignore your post as I wouldn't be able to tell if you read the rules or not. It is most easiest for bubblegum to be placed to where I can see it so I know you read everything which is the very top of your post and in bold.
I am currently looking for more male role-plays to which I am the guy in, though my specialty is playing as wizards though I can do others as long as its interesting. So feel free to Pm me your Ideas or post here. Though I prefer if you post in my thread because this thread Needs a lot of love.


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